Our family has found a wonderful network of support through the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA). We immediately knew that fundraising for MDA would give us a sense of hope. Scientists and doctors are working very hard to find a cure and treatment for so many neuromuscular diseases like what Liam lives with, including Duchenne MD and ALS.
We have met friends through the many events we have attended, speaking events we have given and the yearly ‘Muscle Walk’.
In the past two years we have been able to raise $17,000 to go toward funding summer camp, and research. We feel lucky to have MDA on our side to help navigate this very scary disease. MDA is also responsible for battling for the rights of those with disabilities. They make a scary situation not as overwhelming.

Liam and Mommy about to ride on a helicopter during a ‘Fill the Boot’ fundraiser with MDA.
Research, advocacy, and support is very expensive. Please consider donating to MDA in Liam’s name.